[SlovLit] V Kanzas na simpozij -- Knjige za Sarajevo

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Pet Jan 14 18:21:34 CET 2011

From: Greenberg, Marc L <mlg na ku.edu>
Date: 2011/1/14
Subject: Simpozij o identiteti in skupnosti po obdobju hladne vojne
(Kanzaška univerza, 25.--27. avg. 2011)

Vabilo za prijavo referata na simpoziju z naslovom Identity
and Community after the Cold War Era. Citiramo iz vabila:

"The last two decades have witnessed the confluence of many
different kinds of radical change--the demise of communism
as a force in politics, the resurgence of religious community,
the emergence of global warming as a major challenge to traditional
economies and communities, and the innovative growth of technology.
Concepts of community have been radically altered. Maps, borders,
governments, and alliances have shifted. The World Wide Web came
into being, bringing with it major changes in cultural ritual,
self-perception, and community-building. The universalist ideologies
characteristic of modernity have retreated, replaced by some older
concepts of identity and community. In many parts of the world new
versions of traditional religions have emerged as mass forces. The arts
and architecture have experienced a shift in focus and form.

The combined area and international studies centers at the University
of Kansas (African; East Asian; Latin American; Russian, East European,
and Eurasian; Global and International Studies) invite 200-word
proposals for papers in both Humanities and Social Sciences, as well
as History and Sociology of the Natural Sciences, that address issues
of "Identity and Community after the Cold War Era." We seek papers
focusing on a specific world area or country; interdisciplinary and
trans-regional proposals are also welcome.

The goal of the conference is to describe, examine, and understand
the various areas and kinds of shift that have happened since the late
1980s and to attempt a complex model of the world humanity now inhabits."

Teme: post-komunistične identitete v umetnosti, literaturi in arhitekturi,
koncepti idealnega prostora (utopije), zgodovina in spomin, politične,
kulturne in socialne implikacije interneta, nove države -- nova zavezništva,
socio-kulturne spremembe in premiki v zavesti, formiranje strank, meje,
center--periferija, verske združbe in občestva, pomen in vloga nacionalne
identitete, jezik, identiteta in skupnost, cenzura.

Naslov referata, ki naj ga spremlja avtorjev življenjepis, je treba predlagati
do 1. marca 2011 na crees na ku.edu; na ovojnici naj stoji August 25-27
conference proposal.

Edith W. Clowes, Professor, Department of Slavic Langs. and Lits.
Director, Center for Russian, E. European, and Eurasian Studies
University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS  66045


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