[SlovLit] Slovenščina za priseljence v OŠ -- Išče se prevajalec/-ka

Miran Hladnik, Siol miran.hladnik na guest.arnes.si
Tor Okt 7 11:37:11 CEST 2008

From: "Marijanca Ajša Vižintin" <marijanca.ajsa na gmail.com>
To: <slovlit na ijs.si>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 10:53 AM
Subject: Slovenščina za priseljence v OŠ

Zanima me, če kdo med slovenisti ali pa katera institucija razmišlja o
programu za poučevanje slovenščine za priseljence, predvsem za otroke.

Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik ima programe za odrasle,
ZRSŠ ima nekaj gradiva za slovenske izseljence po svetu, spletno stran
Stičišče. Učitelji, ki imamo z otroki dodatne ure slovenščine po
osnovnih šolah, se znajdemo vsak po svoje: malo vzamemo tu, malo tam,
nekaj pripravimo sami ...

Pogrešamo učni načrt, učno gradivo, smernice. Ali kdo to načrtuje?
priseljencev je iz leta v leto več, stisk in vprašanj učiteljev,
učiteljic pa tudi. Ni isto, če učiš slovenščino kot materni jezik ali
pa kot drugi jezik, jezik okolja.

Hvala za odgovore,
Marijanca Ajša Vižintin


Išče se prevajalec. Interesenti naj pišejo avtorju, da jim pošlje pesniško zbirko. -- miran

From: "andrew slattery" <featurefilm na hotmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:02 AM
Subject: Solvenian/English Poetry Translation

Hi, I'm seeking a translator/poet/writer to translate a small collection 
of Australian poetry from English to Slovenian.

The book is my first collection of poetry.  I live in Newcastle, Australia, 
where I'm a MA Philosophy (Writing) student at The University of Newcastle.  
My poems have been published in magazines and journals throughout 
Europe, North America and Australia.  My awards include the Henry 
Kendell Award, the Roland Robinson Literary Award, and the Val Vallis 
Poetry Prize.

The book, titled CANYON, has 24 pages of poetry over the book's 32 pages.  
So it's only a small collection, but it's a good first book for me.  The poems 
look at a broad range of ideas that have formed both me and my poetry: 
the creatures of the sea; the physical characteristics of musical instruments 
and the idea of the visionary innovator.

I want to translate into Slovenian as I've heard the language spoken as poetry 
and love the sound of it.  It's got great character.  When translated into 
Slovenian I will submit individual poems to Slovenian newspapers, literary 
magazines and journals, and eventually the whole manuscript to a Slovenian 
publisher for publication.

I do appreciate the delicacy and creative efforts required to translate poetry, 
and so, ideally, the translator would have at least some poetry, prose or 
expressive writing experience, or poetry criticism.

Would you be interested in such a project?  Or do you know of someone 
who might be interested in this little project?  I attach the 'translation 
proof' of the manuscript.  Of course, the layout will change, but these are 
the final selection of poems. Please send me an email if you have any 
questions. I look forward to hearing from you.

Andrew Slattery
PO Box 47 The University of Newcastle
New South Wales 2308 AUSTRALIA
+61 410 309 941
featurefilm na hotmail.com

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