[SlovLit] Posel za sloveniste prevajalce

Victor Sonkin sonkin na rocketmail.com
Pon Jun 30 17:08:22 CEST 2003

Se opravicujem za offtopic, ampak tale oglas v
francoskem "Le Monde" ja lahko zanimiv za slovenske

In preparation for the enlargement of the European
Union, the European Investment Bank, financial
institution of the EU, is recruiting for it
headquarters in Luxembourg experienced


... Slovenian mother tongue SG03MON11 ...

to work on a part-time basis (annual average of 30
hours per week)

The successful candidate will have at least five
years' experience. He/she will be solely responsible
for translating and revising EIB documents from
English and French into his/her mother tongue and
where necessary from the latter into English. He/she
will preferably have specialised in the economic and
banking field and will be fully conversant with
Microsoft office tools and Trados translation aids.
He/she must also be a flexible self-starter with
strong organisational abilities and interpersonal

The successful candiadate will be recruited on the
basis of qualifications and tests. Applicants must be
nationals of a Member State of the EU or one of the
Acceding Countries. The EIB offers attractive terms of
employment and remuneration with a wide range of
benefits. The EIB is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Applications should include a cover letter quoting the
relevant reference number and a curriculum vitae in
English or French, and be sent to:

Fax +352 4379 2545
E-mail: jobs na eib.org

Deadline for applications: 31 July 2003

Applications will be treated in strictest confidence,
blah blah.

Other languages needed: Czech, Slovak, Hungarian,
Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Maltese.

Ce boste dobili posel, ne pozabite name kot izvor :-)


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