=?windows-1250?Q?Vabilo_na_znanstveni_seminar:_Krzysztof_Wrzesinski, _=BB_?= Creating In Vivo Mimetic 3D Constructs: The ClinoStar 2 Cell and Tissue Culture System«
Ana Šušteršič
Ana.Sustersic at nib.si
Thu May 9 09:02:39 CEST 2024
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Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo Vas vabi, da se udeležite seminarja
»Creating In Vivo Mimetic 3D Constructs:
The ClinoStar 2 Cell and Tissue Culture System«,
ki ga bo predstavil
Krzysztof Wrzesinski
CSO in soustanovitelj CelVivo, izredni profesor na Centre of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health,
The North-West University, South Africa ter član posvetovalnega odbora projekta CutCancer.
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Seminar bo v sredo, 22. maja 2024, ob 12. uri na Nacionalnem inštitutu za biologijo,
Večna pot 121, Ljubljana, v veliki predavalnici v prvem nadstropju (glavni vhod C/D)
in v okolju Microsoft Teams na tej povezavi<https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MTJlMThkZGItNjY5Yi00N2Q3LWJmMDAtOGI5OTg4NTE4MmRk%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%229a517781-c170-477e-a6b2-c3d61a3d35c6%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f3e1aaa8-b40e-45d6-a438-e5fd054e1246%22%7d>.
Meeting number: 327 867 467 99, Passcode: a8zWcM
Povzetek v angleškem jeziku:
The consensus prevailing in scientific circles suggests that nurturing cells within a three-dimensional (3D) setting poses significantly more hurdles compared to the traditional two-dimensional (2D) monolayer cultures. This complexity arises largely due to the lack of optimization in the equipment needed for effective 3D cell culture. Furthermore, closely monitoring and regulating the intricate 3D environment proves to be notably more demanding. Numerous factors come into play, including temperature control, growth media composition, atmospheric conditions, diffusion gradients, shear stress, and culture duration. These elements are crucial for accurately replicating in vivo conditions. Different cell types and tissues require precise adjustments of these parameters. Maintaining optimal temperature is widely recognized and practiced in vitro. While manipulation of atmospheric composition is less common, it's noteworthy that the oxygen concentrations in the human body fluctuate considerably, making the accurate establishment and monitoring of oxygen levels imperative during the culture period. The introduction of diffusion gradients becomes inherent when cultivating cells in clusters, playing a pivotal role in prompting cellular metabolic reprogramming that mimics natural tissue behaviour more closely. All these critical features can be effectively managed, manipulated, and closely observed through the utilization of the CelVivo ClinoStar 3D cell and tissue culture system. This advanced system simplifies the intricate aspects of 3D cell culture, providing a comprehensive solution to the challenges associated with faithfully replicating the conditions of living tissues.
Professor Krzysztof Wrzesinski obtained his PhD from University of Southern Denmark, has a strong background in biomedical science having worked within research for the past 25 years. He focusses on advanced cell culture technologies and development of drug candidate testing pipelines based on toxicologic assays and in vitro models. He is co-founder and CSO of CelVivo ApS and Extraordinary Professor at Centre of Excellence for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Health, The North-West University, South Africa.
Vljudno vabljeni! Seminar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
You are cordially invited to attend this lecture, which will be held in English.
Dodatne informacije: Dr. Bojana Žegura, bojana.zegura at nib.si<mailto:bojana.zegura at nib.si>
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