Vabili - Preglova kolokvija 19-9-2023 in 21-9-2023 Kemijski inštitut

Glavna Pisarna Glavna.Pisarna at
Wed Sep 13 15:51:46 CEST 2023

Spoštovani / Dear all!

Vljudno vabljeni na predavanji v okviru Preglovih kolokvijev, ki bosta v Veliki predavalnici Kemijskega inštituta / You are kindly invited to the Pregl Colloquium lecture at the Great Lecture Room of The National Institute of Chemistry:

v torek 19.9.2023 / on Tuesday

Prof. Dr. Jonathan C. Kagan
Professor of Pediatrics
Harvard Medical School
Shwachman Chair in Gastroenterology
Staff Scientist, Division of Gastroenterology
Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, USA
Regulation of Innate Immunity

v četrtek 21.9.2023 / on Thursday
Prof. Dr. Xueji Zhang
National Chair Professor
Vice President of Shenzhen University, China
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry
Fellow of American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering
Academician, Russian Academy of Engineering
AI Biosensors for Precision Medicine & Health

Več podrobnosti o predavanjih si lahko ogledate v priponki. / More details about the lectures can be found in the attachment.

Prijazen pozdav / Kind regards,

Koordinatorka Preglovih kolokvijev / Pregl colloquium coordinator

prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar
vodja / head Laboratorij za katalizatorje / Laboratory for Catalysts

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Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo / Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology
Kemijski inštitut / National Institute of Chemistry
Telefon / Phone: 00386 1 476 04 10

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