Vabilo - Preglov kolokvij / Invitation - Pregl Colloquium
Brigita Pirc
brigita.pirc at
Mon Jan 17 11:13:21 CET 2022
Spoštovani / Dear all!
Vljudno vabljeni na predavanje v okviru Preglovih kolokvijev, ki bo v četrtek, 20. 1. ob 13:00 uri na daljavo preko WEBEX sistema / You are kindly invited to the Pregl Colloquium lecture on Thursday, 20. January at 1 p.m. online via WEBEX system:
Prof. Dr. Maarten Roeffaers
Centre for Membrane Separations, Adsorption,
Catalysis and Spectroscopy for Sustainable Solutions
KU Leuven, Belgium
Nano-imaging chemical properties of materials
Meeting number: 2734 479 5744
Password: KI2022
Več podrobnosti o predavanju si lahko ogledate v priponki. / More details about the lecture can be found in the attachment.
Na spletnem dogodku bo potekalo snemanje. Z udeležbo na dogodku se udeleženci strinjajo s snemanjem dogodka. / The recording will take place at the online event. By attending the event, participants agree to the recording of the event.
Koordinatorka Preglovih kolokvijev / Pregl colloquium coordinator
prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar
vodja / head Laboratorij za katalizatorje / Laboratory for Catalysts
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Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo / Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology
Kemijski inštitut / National Institute of Chemistry
Telefon / Phone: 00386 1 476 04 10
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