2 september ob 14h - Podelitev nagrad evropske katalitske zveze - EFCATS 2021 Awards Webinar

Glavna Pisarna Glavna.Pisarna at ki.si
Tue Aug 31 14:18:19 CEST 2021


prijazno vabljeni na dogodek ob podelitvi nagrad evropske katalitske zveze najbolj zaslužnim kandidatom na različnih področjih katalize.

Prijeten teden še naprej želiva,

Predstavnika Slovenije v EFCATS
Albin Pintar in Nataša Novak Tušar

Dear catalysis colleagues,

We are delighted to invite the catalysis community to the EFCATS 2021 Awards webinar<https://s.ntnu.no/EFCATSawards>!

Please forward - at your nearest convenience - this invitation to the members of your national catalysis network and others that may have interest in hearing the 2021 EFCATS Award winners' short lectures.

The webinar will take place September 2, 2021 at 14:00-16.30 Central European Summer Time (CEST). Participation is open for all via the link: https://s.ntnu.no/EFCATSawards

Note that

  *   The link takes you to a Zoom webinar hosted from NTNU with EFCATS Secretary Hilde J. Venvik and Dr. Anne Hoff (annehoff at ntnu.no<mailto:annehoff at ntnu.no>) as technical organizers and moderators.
  *   No registration is required, but kindly enter with your full name.
  *   The detailed program for the webinar is attached.
  *   There will be no Q&A session, and attendees can interact via the chat only (where congratulations to the winners are welcome).

We hope to gather a large crowd, staying connected despite the postponement of EUROPACAT XV, and look forward to seeing you all there!

EFCATS Board, Hilde and Anne Hoff


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