24. junij oddaja prispevkov - EFCATS Poletna šola v Portorožu INŽENIRING MATERIALOV ZA KATALIZO september 2020
Glavna Pisarna
Glavna.Pisarna at ki.si
Tue Jun 2 09:27:08 CEST 2020
Poletna šola Evropske federacije katalitskih združenj (EFCATS) bo potekala od 15. do 19. septembra 2020 v Kongresnem centru Grand hotela Bernardin v Portorožu.
Dogodek z naslovom "INŽENIRING MATERIALOV ZA KATALIZO" pod pokroviteljstvom EFCATS organizirata Sekcija za katalizo Slovenskega kemijskega društva in Avstrijsko društvo za katalizo.
Poletna šola EFCATS 2020 bo osredotočena na napredek v sintezi heterogenih katalizatorjev, njihovi in-situ in operando karakterizaciji ter industrijski katalizi, kot tudi v večstopenjskem modeliranju katalitskih procesov. Na poletni šoli bomo obravnavali tudi sistem objavljanja rezultatov v znanstvenih revijah ter vspodbudo k manj tekmovalnim znanstvenim razpravam.
K udeležbi dogodka posebej vabimo študente magistrskega in doktorskega študija ter postdoktorske raziskovalce, ki se ukvarjajo z zgoraj omenjenimi temami. Vabljeni predavatelji na EFCATS 2020 poletni šoli bodo svetovno znani strokovnjaki z zgoraj omenjenih področij. Udeleženci bodo lahko rezultate raziskovalnega dela predstavili v obliki ustnih predstavitev in posterjev. V okviru poletne šole EFCATS 2020 bomo organizirali tudi poldnevni ogled sinhrotrona ELETTRA v Trstu v Italiji.
Rok za pošiljanje prispevkov je 24. junij 2020.
Veselimo se srečanja z vami v septembru 2020 v Portorožu!
Organizacijski odbor
Nataša Novak Tušar, Albin Pintar, Gunther Rupprechter
Dear colleagues!
The 2020 Summer School of the European Federation of Catalysis Societies (EFCATS) will be held from 15-19 September 2020 in Grand Hotel Bernardin Convention Center in Portorož-Portorose, Slovenia.
The event entitled "ENGINEERING MATERIALS FOR CATALYSIS" is organized jointly by the Section for Catalysis of the Slovenian Chemical Society and the Austrian Catalysis Society.
The 2020 EFCATS Summer School will focus on recent advances regarding synthesis, in-situ and operando characterization and industrial catalysis as well as multi-scale modelling of catalytic processes. Besides, the publication system and less competitive free discussions will be addressed at the meeting.
Master and doctoral students as well as early-stage researchers being involved in the above-mentioned topics are strongly encouraged to attend the event. More than ten worldwide known experts will deliver invited lectures. The participants will be able to present the results of their research work in the form of oral presentations and poster contributions. A half-day tour to the ELETTRA synchrotron in Trieste, Italy, will be organized as part of the 2020 EFCATS Summer School.
Please note that abstracts should be submitted on or before 24 June 2020.
We look forward to meeting you in Portorož-Portorose in September 2020!
The Organizing Committee
Nataša Novak Tušar, Albin Pintar, Gunther Rupprechter
prof. dr. Nataša Novak Tušar
Odsek za anorgansko kemijo in tehnologijo / Department of Inorganic Chemistry and Technology
Kemijski inštitut / National Institute of Chemistry
Hajdrihova 19
SI-1000 Ljubljana
Slovenija / Slovenia
Telefon / Phone: 00386 1 476 04 10
Znanstveni dosežek / Scientific achievement
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