Odprt dostop do raziskovalne infrastrukture CERIC ERIC
Glavna Pisarna
Glavna.Pisarna at ki.si
Wed Feb 5 10:25:52 CET 2020
Spoštovani raziskovalci,
Sodelavci Nacionalnega centra za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti vas v imenu srednjeevropskega konzorcija CERIC ERIC<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/> vabimo k sodelovanju na razpisu za odprt dostop do raziskovalne infrastrukture.
Uspešno izbranim prijaviteljem je na voljo več kot 50 medsebojno dopolnjujočih se raziskovalnih instrumentov s področja materialov, biomaterialov in nanotehnologije, ki jih CERIC ERIC<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/> nudi v okviru mednarodnega partnerstva raziskovalnih institucij, katerega del je tudi Nacionalni center za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti<http://www.slonmr.si/> na Kemijskem inštitutu.
Na razpis za dostop do raziskovalne infrastrukture se lahko prijavijo vsi raziskovalci. V zameno za odprt dostop se uporabniki zavežejo k javni objavi raziskovalnih rezultatov eksperimentov z ustrezno navedbo referenc.
CERIC prav tako nudi podporo pri kritju potnih stroškov dveh raziskovalcev na projekt, poleg tega nagradi tudi avtorje najbolj kvalitetnih javno objavljenih publikacij.
Prijave na razpis so možne na sledeči povezavi: https://vuo.elettra.trieste.it/<https://vuo.elettra.trieste.it/pls/vuo/guest.startup>
Rok za prijavo:
- 02.03.2020, 17:00 CET: preliminarna evalvacija prijav z možnostjo izboljšave raziskovalnih predlogov
- 31.03.2020, 17:00 CET: priporočen rok za prijavo izključno za strokovnjake na področju raziskovalnih tehnik, navedenih v prijavi
Ponudba za aktualen razpis za odprt dostop je na voljo na povezavi: https://www.ceric-eric.eu/users/open-access-offer/
Za več informacij obiščite spletno stran CERIC ERIC: https://www.ceric-eric.eu/users/call-for-proposals/ ali pišite na useroffice at ceric-eric.eu<mailto:useroffice at ceric-eric.eu>.
Vljudno vabljeni k sodelovanju.
Sodelavci Nacionalnega centra za NMR spektroskopijo visoke ločljivosti
Dear researchers,
Slovenian NMR Centre<http://www.slonmr.si/>, a representative of The Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium (CERIC ERIC) in Slovenia, is inviting you to participate on the CERIC's call for proposals.
Apply here<http://vuo.elettra.trieste.it/>.
CERIC ERIC<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/> offers the access to over 50 complementary instruments and support laboratories<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/users/open-access-offer/>, as well as the opportunity of getting support for mobility for two users per proposal, and awards for high quality open access publications.
Researchers from all over the world can apply for access free of charge, upon the condition that results are published and CERIC acknowledged.
As usual, there will be two deadlines:
- March 2nd, 2020, 17hs CET, to have a pre-evaluation and the possibility to improve your proposal.
- March 31st, 2020, 17hs CET, recommended only for expert users of all the techniques requested.
For further information about the call, visit https://www.ceric-eric.eu/users/call-for-proposals/<https://ceric-eric.eu/index.php?n=Users.Homepage>
Check the Open Access offer for this semester at this link<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/users/open-access-offer/>.
If you are a researcher working in Albania, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia or Ukraine, apply for promotional open access<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/users/open-access/#anchor-2>: in the frame of the European project ACCELERATE, personalized support for proposal preparation, measurements and data analysis can be provided upon request.
CERIC-ERIC, the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium, offers access for research in all fields of materials, biomaterials and nanotechnology, to over 50 complementary state-of-the-art instruments and laboratories in nine European countries. A detailed description of the available instruments can be found here<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/users/labs-and-instruments/>.
Access to CERIC is open to researchers from all over the world free of charge, upon the condition that results are published and CERIC acknowledged. Partial financial support for mobility is available. In the frame of the European project Accelerate, researchers of any nationality working in the eligible countries can ask for personalized support for proposal preparation, measurements and data analysis. For further information visit our website<https://www.ceric-eric.eu/>.
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