Vabilo, Office of Naval Research Global, Opportunities for Partnership and Collaboration

Nina Bitenc Nina.Bitenc at
Mon Mar 5 14:21:56 CET 2018

Vabilo na predstavitev / Invitation to the presentation

Patrick P. Rose, PhD
Office of Naval Research Global,
Science Director for Synthetic Biology
Email: patrick.p.rose.civ at<mailto:patrick.p.rose.civ at>

Torek / Tuesday, 6. 3. 2018, ob / at 11:00

Velika predavalnica Kemijskega inštituta /
Great Lecture Hall, National Institute of Chemistry;
Hajdrihova 19, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Office of Naval Research Global - External Facilitator for the Naval Research Enterprise: Opportunities for Partnership and Collaboration

It is the mission of ONR Global to build relationships between the international scientific community and the Naval Research Enterprise (NRE) and to identify new technologies to support the Naval Research and Development Framework<>. ONR Global pursues these goals through the following programs:

  *   The Visiting Scientists Program (VSP) supports short-term travel opportunities for international scientists to the United States or to international conferences to interact with researchers and to socialize new S&T ideas or findings with the NRE that advance basic research though collaboration.
  *   The Collaborative Science Program (CSP) supports international workshops, conferences and seminars of naval interest held outside the United States.
  *   Research Grants provides direct research support to international scientists to help address naval S&T challenges. These grants support the insertion of innovative, international S&T into core ONR and Naval Research Enterprise Programs.

info: roman.jerala at<mailto:roman.jerala at>

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