Vabilo na predavanje/ Invitation to the lecture, prof. dr. David Donald Pokrajac

Jolanda Jakofcic Jolanda.Jakofcic at
Thu Oct 12 15:23:40 CEST 2017


**V sklopu Odsečnih seminarjev Odseka za računalniške sisteme Instituta 
"Jožef Stefan"
vas vabimo na predavanje,
ki bo potekalo
16. oktobra 2017 ob 13 uri v predavalnici MPŠ.

Speaker: prof. dr. David Donald Pokrajac (Delaware State University)*
Title: Recursive partitioning simulation of breast tissue
**_Abstract:_ Three dimensional breast models represent important tools 
used in a variety of tasks, from preclinical evaluation of imaging 
technique, to dosimetry and computer aided diagnostic. In collaboration 
with University of Pennsylvania, we have developed a breast simulation 
algorithm that can provide simulation of various breast structures and 
control of anthropometric parameters such as number of fat compartments, 
thickness of Cooper"s ligaments and percentage of radiologically dense 
tissue. In this presentation, we discuss foundations of recursive 
partitioning algorithm and consider its experimental performance and 
asymptotic complexity. Then, we discuss various improvements of 
algorithm, aimed to simulate voxels with multiple materials (partial 
volume effect), improve control of ligament thickness and surface 
smoothness and achieve simulation of milk ducts. We emphasize solved and 
open mathematical problems arising from this application related to 
non-linear optimization, graph theory, three-dimensional signal 
processing and computational geometry.
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