Brezplačna delavnica Human - Centered Energy Management, Celovec

Meta Skumavc Meta.Skumavc at
Thu Jun 12 10:43:05 CEST 2014


Naš partner Lakeside Park iz Celovca organizira delavnico >Human-Centered Energy Management<, ki bo potekala med 7. in 11. julijem v Celovcu. Udeležba na delavnici je brezplačna, odločite se lahko tudi za udeležbo le na posameznih dnevih (okvirni program najdete v priponki).
Kratek opis delavnice najdete spodaj. Namen delavnice je intenzivno delo z manjšo skupino udeležencev.
Vljudno vas prosimo, da udeležbo najavite pri Ivani Maver (ivana.maver at<mailto:ivana.maver at>)

Lep pozdrav,

Ivana Maver

The Lakeside Park, a platform for cooperation between enterprises and university institutions in the information and communication technology (ICT) sectors is organizing a Workshop >Human-Centered Energy Management<. It will be held from 7th to 11th July 2014 in Klagenfurt.

Addressed Topics at the Workshop:

*         ICT solutions and approaches for smart home management and systems for integrated energy management.

*         Integration of smart and legacy appliances, renewable energy sources and storage systems in buildings to improve energy efficiency and awareness of inhabitants. Identification, modeling and simulation of energy systems and human behavior

*         Energy data analysis and feedback approaches and behavior influencing information systems

*         Economics and law aspects of human centered energy managements systems in respect to smart homes, smart metering and energy data analysis as well as for renewable energy production and storage systems.

*         Market and business models for ICT-based energy services designed to improve the recent power grid and homes.

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