[Predavanja] 1st announcement

Nika Simcic nika.simcic at ijs.si
Thu Jun 2 13:13:16 CEST 2005

Dear colleagues,
we would like to announce:

IV. Symposium »SLONANO«
Ljubljana, Slovenia, October 24.-25. 2005

SLONANO was initiated in 2002 as a meeting of Slovenian scientists working 
in the rapidly emerging field of nanoscience and nanotechnology in which 
they could present their latest achievements. Since then it has developed 
into a regional meeting with participants from Slovenia, Italy, Austria and 
Croatia. This year we would like to invite European researchers working in 
the field of nanoscience to take part in the meeting. The participation of 
younger scientists working in the field is particularly encouraged.

The meeting is co-organised by Jozef Stefan Institute and National 
Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

    * Synthesis and functionalisation of nanomaterials
    * Charaterization of nanomaterials
    * Nanosensors
    * Biological nanosystems and macromolecules
    * Theory and modeling of nanosystems
Abstract submission:
A short abstract (not exceeding 1 page) written in English should be 
submitted electronically (Word files: 
http://optlab.ijs.si/conferences/slonano%2005/index.htm) to e-mails: 
<mailto:slonano at ijs.si>slonano at ijs.si) before September 1st. Applicants 
will be notified about their acceptance by September 15, 2005.

There will be no registration fees. The participants should however submit 
the registration form 
(http://optlab.ijs.si/conferences/slonano%2005/index.htm) before October 
1st to <mailto:slonano at ijs.si>slonano at ijs.si.

September 1st: Abstracts submission
September 15th: Finnal programme
October 1st: Registration

Dr. Alea Omerzu, (<mailto:denis.arcon at ijs.si>ales.omerzu at ijs.si, tel.: +386 
1 477 3 314, fax: + 386 1 477 3998)
Dr. Samo Hocevar (<mailto:samo.hocevar at ki.si>samo.hocevar at ki.si.: + 386 1 
476 0 214, fax.: + 386 1 476 0 300)

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