DANES: IJS KOLOKVIJ, sreda, 5. 6. 20224, ob 12:30, prof. dr. Jonathan R. Ellis
Nataša Goševac
Natasa.Gosevac at ijs.si
Wed Jun 5 09:03:55 CEST 2024
Vabimo vas na 13. predavanje iz sklopa »Kolokviji na IJS« v akademskem letu 2023/24, ki bo DANES izjemoma ŽE OB 12:30 in izjemoma v Veliki fizikalni predavalnici (Peterlinov paviljon) Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani, Jadranska cesta 26, Ljubljana. Predavanje je organizirano v okviru praznovanja IJS in CERN: pol stoletja skupne poti <https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/V001/IJS/Podsliko?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Cern70.pdf> in bo v angleščini. Na voljo bodo kava, pijača in prigrizki.
Fizika v CERN-u: prvih 70 let in naprej
prof. dr. Jonathan R. Ellis
Kraljeva univerza v Londonu, Velika Britanija
Zadnjih 70 let smo bili priča revoluciji v našem razumevanju fizike delcev, in sicer s predlogom standardnega modela in preverjanji številnih njegovih napovedi v Evropski organizaciji za jedrske raziskave (CERN) in drugod. V predavanju bom opisal vlogo CERN-a pri teh dogodkih, vključno z odkritjem nevtralnih šibkih interakcij, odkritjem bozonov W in Z v trkalniku protonov in antiprotonov, poskusi z visoko natančnostjo v Velikem elektronsko-pozitronskem trkalniku (angleško Large Electron-Positron Collider oziroma LEP) in odkritjem Higgsovega bozona v Velikem hadronskem trkalniku (angleško Large Hadron Collider oziroma LHC). Osvetlil bom tudi odprta vprašanja, vključno z ugankami, ki jih je sprožilo Higgsovo odkritje in narava temne snovi, ter predstavil CERN-ov predlog za rešitev teh ugank s pomočjo predlaganega krožnega pospeševalnika (Future Circular Collider).
O predavatelju: Jonathan R. Ellis je Clerk Maxwellov profesor teoretične fizike na Kraljevi univerzi v Londonu, pred tem pa je med leti 1973 in 2011 delal v CERN-u v Ženevi. Opravil je pionirske študije eksperimentalnih znakov Higgsovega bozona in gluona. Trenutno je član združenja AION, ki načrtuje uporabo atomske interferometrije za iskanje ultralahke hladne temne snovi in gravitacijskih valov.
Napovednik predavanja in posnetke preteklih predavanj najdete na novi spletni strani »Kolokvijev na IJS« <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, posnetke pa tudi posebej na <https://video.arnes.si/?q=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/?q=Kolokviji_IJS (zadnje tri sezone) in <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (starejši).
We invite you to the 13th lecture in the framework of »JSI Colloquia« in the academic year 2023/24, which will take place TODAY exceptionally ALREADY AT 12:30 PM and exceptionally in the Large physics lecture hall (Peterlin Pavilion) of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska cesta 26, Ljubljana. The lecture is organized as part of the celebration of JSI and CERN: Half a Century of Joint Path <https://www.ijs.si/ijsw/V001/IJS/Podsliko?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=Cern70.pdf> and will be held in English. Coffee, drinks and snacks will be available.
Physics at CERN: onward from the first 70 years
Prof. Dr. Jonathan R. Ellis
King’s College London, United Kingdom
The past 70 years have witnessed a revolution in our understanding of particle physics, with the proposal of the Standard Model and verifications of many of its predictions at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and elsewhere. In the talk, I will trace CERN’s role in these developments, including the discovery of neutral weak interactions, the discovery of the W and Z bosons at the proton-antiproton collider, high-precision experiments at Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP), and the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). I will also highlight open questions, including puzzles raised by the Higgs discovery and the nature of astrophysical dark matter, and introduce CERN’s project for addressing them with the proposed Future Circular Collider.
About the lecturer: Jonathan R. Ellis is the Clerk Maxwell Professor of Theoretical Physics at King’s College London, having previously worked at CERN in Geneva from 1973 to 2011. He made pioneering studies of the experimental signatures of the Higgs boson and the gluon. He is currently a member of the AION Collaboration that plans to use atom interferometry to search for ultralight cold dark matter and gravitational waves.
The lecture trailer and recordings of past lectures can be found on the new website of »JSI colloquia« <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, and recordings specifically at <https://video.arnes.si/en/?q=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/en/?q=Kolokviji_IJS (last three seasons) and <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (older).
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