OPOMNIK: IJS KOLOKVIJ, danes, 8. 5. 20224, ob 13. uri, prof. dr. Sebastian Riedel

Nataša Goševac Natasa.Gosevac at ijs.si
Wed May 8 08:00:51 CEST 2024

Vabimo vas na 12. predavanje iz sklopa »Kolokviji na IJS« v akademskem letu 2023/24, ki bo danes, 8. maja 2024, ob 13:00 v Veliki predavalnici Instituta »Jožef Stefan« na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Predavanje bo v angleščini. Na voljo bodo kava, pijača in prigrizki.



Od laboratorijskih nenavadnosti do tehničnih aplikacij: kemija halogenov in njihovih spojin


prof. dr. Sebastian Riedel

Svobodna univerza v Berlinu, Berlin, Nemčija



Brønstedova in Lewisova kislina sta temeljna koncepta v kemiji, ki pa imata vsaka drugačno, vendar komplementarno vlogo. Brønstedove kisline oddajajo protone, medtem ko je glavna odlika Lewisovih kislin njihova sposobnost sprejemanja elektronskih parov. Pomen obojih sega od temeljne organske sinteze do industrijskih procesov. Predstavil bom nove Brønstedove in Lewisove superkisline na osnovi fluoriranih sistemov, ki ponujajo možnost sinteze do sedaj neznanih spojin. Na podlagi takih superkislin nam je uspelo sintetizirati in karakterizirati nove spojine, kot so halonijevi ali ksenonijevi ioni. Poleg tega smo na področju kemije klora razvili novo vrsto materiala, tako imenovane ionske tekočine na osnovi polikloridov. Ta novi material ponuja številne nove možnosti, med katerimi sta tudi shranjevanje klora in reakcije kloriranja. Ionske tekočine na osnovi polikloridov bi lahko postale ključna tehnologija za večjo prilagodljivost proizvodnje klora, kar bi omogočilo uporabo obnovljive, vendar spreminjajoče se električne energije.


O predavatelju: Sebastian Riedel je redni profesor za anorgansko kemijo na Inštitutu za kemijo in biokemijo Svobodne univerze v Berlinu in nekdanji direktor tega inštituta. Je prejemnik številnih nagrad in priznanj, med drugim tudi ERC projekta za utrditev samostojne raziskovalne poti (Consolidator grant) Evropskega raziskovalnega sveta.



Napovednik predavanja in posnetke preteklih predavanj najdete na novi spletni strani »Kolokvijev na IJS«  <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, posnetke pa tudi posebej na  <https://video.arnes.si/?q=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/?q=Kolokviji_IJS (zadnje tri sezone) in  <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (starejši).





We invite you to the 12th lecture in the framework of »JSI Colloquia« in the academic year 2023/24, which will take place today, May 8, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the main lecture hall of Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39 in Ljubljana. The lecture will be held in English. Coffee, drinks and snacks will be available.



>From lab oddities to technical applications: the chemistry of halogens and their compounds


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Riedel

Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany



Brønsted and Lewis acids represent two fundamental concepts in chemistry, each playing a different but complementary role. Brønsted acids donate protons, while the main virtue of Lewis acids is their ability to accept electron pairs. Their importance ranges from fundamental organic synthesis to industrial processes. I will present novel Brønsted and Lewis superacids based on fluorinated systems, which offer the possibility of synthesizing hitherto unknown compounds. Based on such superacids, we have succeeded in synthesizing and characterizing novel compounds such as halonium or xenonium ions. In addition, in the field of chlorine chemistry, we have developed a new type of material, the so-called ionic liquids based on polychlorides. This new material offers new possibilities, its value for chlorine storage and chlorination reactions being only one aspect. Ionic liquids based on polychlorides could become a key technology for making chlorine production more flexible, allowing the use of renewable but fluctuating electrical energy.


About the lecturer: Sebastian Riedel is a full professor for inorganic chemistry at the Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Free University of Berlin, and the former director of this institute. He is the recipient of numerous prizes and distinctions, among them also of the ongoing Consolidator ERC grant of the European Research Council.



The lecture trailer and recordings of past lectures can be found on the new website of »JSI colloquia«  <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, and recordings specifically at  <https://video.arnes.si/en/?q=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/en/?q=Kolokviji_IJS (last three seasons) and  <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (older).



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