IJS KOLOKVIJ, sreda, 24. 1. 20224, ob 13. uri, prof. dr. Dragan Damjanovic

Nataša Goševac Natasa.Gosevac at ijs.si
Wed Jan 17 07:50:49 CET 2024

Vabimo vas na 8. predavanje iz sklopa »Kolokviji na IJS« v akademskem letu 2023/24, ki bo v sredo, 24. januarja 2024, ob 13:00 v Veliki predavalnici Instituta »Jožef Stefan« na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Predavanje bo v angleščini. Na voljo bodo kava, pijača in prigrizki.



Strukturne napake, sklopitev lastnosti in gigantski elektromehanski odziv v kompleksnih materialih


prof. dr. Dragan Damjanovic

Inštitut za materiale, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Švica



V materialih s kompleksno kemijo lahko že majhna koncentracija strukturnih napak vodi do heterogene mezostrukture in lastnosti, ki se razlikujejo od pričakovanih glede na nominalno kristalno strukturo materiala. Eden od zanimivih rezultatov takšne kompleksnosti je pojav lastnosti, ki jih nominalna, povprečna simetrija materiala prepoveduje. V predavanju bom razpravljal o dopiranem CeO2 in nekaj drugih materialih. Čeprav je dopirani CeO2 kompozicijsko preprost, ima zapleteno strukturo napak, na katero je mogoče vplivati z zunanjimi električnimi in mehanskimi polji, kar lahko vodi do simetrijsko prepovedane električne polarnosti in elektro-kemo-termo-mehanske sklopitve. Te ugotovitve bom povezal z nedavnimi poročili o velikanskem elektromehanskem odzivu. Na koncu bom podal splošen komentar o sporočanju nenavadnih rezultatov v znanstvenih objavah.


O predavatelju: Dragan Damjanovic je zaslužni profesor na EPFL v Lausanni, Švica. Do pred letom dni je bil vodja skupine za feroelektrike in funkcionalne okside na Inštitutu za materiale na EPFL, hkrati pa je na predaval o strukturi in električnih lastnostih materialov. Je prejemnik številnih nagrad, med drugim tudi nagrade za najboljšega predavatelja s področja materialov.



Napovednik predavanja in posnetke preteklih predavanj najdete na novi spletni strani »Kolokvijev na IJS«  <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, posnetke pa tudi posebej na  <https://video.arnes.si/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS (zadnje tri sezone) in  <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (starejši).





We invite you to the 8th lecture in the framework of »JSI Colloquia« in the academic year 2023/24, which will take place on Wednesday, January 24, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the main lecture hall of Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39 in Ljubljana. The lecture will be held in English. Coffee, drinks and snacks will be available.



Defects, multi-properties coupling and giant electro-mechanical response in complex materials


Prof. dr. Dragan Damjanovic

Institute of Materials, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland



In materials with complex chemistry, even a small concentration of defects may lead to a heterogeneous mesostructure and properties that differ from what is expected based on the material's nominal crystal structure. One intriguing outcome of this complexity is the emergence of properties forbidden by the material's nominal, average symmetry. In this talk, I will discuss doped CeO2, along with a few other materials. Although compositionally simple, doped CeO2 exhibits a complex defect structure that can be manipulated by external electrical and mechanical fields, resulting in symmetry-forbidden electrical polarity and electro-chemo-thermo-mechanical coupling. I will relate these findings to recent reports on a giant electro-mechanical response. Finally, I will provide a general comment on the communication of unusual results in scientific publications.


About the lecturer: Dragan Damjanovic is an emeritus professor at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. Until a year ago, he led the group for ferroelectrics and functional oxides at the Institute of Materials, EPFL, and taught courses on the structure and electrical properties of materials. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including the award for the best lecturer in the field of materials.



The lecture trailer and recordings of past lectures can be found on the new website of »JSI colloquia«  <https://kolokviji.ijs.si/> https://kolokviji.ijs.si/, and recordings specifically at  <https://video.arnes.si/en/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS> https://video.arnes.si/en/?hashtag=Kolokviji_IJS (last three seasons) and  <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs> http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs (older).



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