ODPOVED: IJS KOLOKVIJ, sreda, 19. 4. 20223, ob 13. uri, dr. Philippe Bouyer

Martin Klanjsek martin.klanjsek at ijs.si
Wed Apr 19 08:16:04 CEST 2023

Sporočam vam, da ODPOVEDUJEMO predavanje dr. Philippa Bouyerja z naslovom
>Kvantni senzorji s snovnimi valovi< iz sklopa >Kolokviji na IJS<, ki bi naj
bilo danes ob 13:00 v Veliki predavalnici Instituta >Jožef Stefan< na Jamovi
cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Razlog so težave z letalskim prevoznikom. Predavanje
bo organizirano v mesecu maju, o čemer vas bomo naknadno obvestili.


Hvala za razumevanje in lep pozdrav!


- Martin Klanjšek (vodja Kolokvijev na IJS)






I am informing you that we are CANCELLING the lecture by Dr. Philippe Bouyer
entitled >Quantum Sensors with Matter Waves< from the >JSI Colloquia<
series, which was supposed to take place today at 1:00 PM in the main
lecture hall of Jožef Stefan Institute on Jamova cesta 39 in Ljubljana. The
reason is problems with the airline carrier. The lecture will be organized
in May, about which we will inform you later.


Thank you for your understanding and best regards,


- Martin Klanjšek (head of JSI Colloquia)


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