OPOMNIK: IJS KOLOKVIJ, sreda, 15. 10. 2014; ob 13. uri; prof. dr. Gabriel Aeppli
Tanja Debevec
Tanja.Debevec at ijs.si
Tue Oct 14 08:00:05 CEST 2014
Vabimo vas na 5. predavanje iz sklopa "Kolokviji na IJS" v letu 2014/15, ki bo v sredo, 15. oktobra 2014, ob 13. uri v Veliki predavalnici Instituta »Jožef Stefan« na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Napovednik predavanja najdete tudi na naslovu http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev, posnetke preteklih predavanj pa na http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs.
prof. dr. Gabriel Aeppli
Inštitut Paul Scherrer, Villingen, Švica
Naslednje življenje silicija
Za 20. stoletje je značilna na siliciju sloneča informacijska revolucija, kjer biti predstavljajo električni naboji, ki jih premikamo in shranujemo s tranzistorji. Preprosta ekstrapolacija te paradigme ne zagotavljajo stalne eksponentne rasti informacijske tehnologije, zato iščemo tako nove paradigme kot nove materiale. Nove paradigme vključujejo rabo spinskih in orbitalnih prostostnih stopenj skupaj s s tem povezanimi kvantnimi pojavi. Del tovrstne fizike so doslej uspešno prikazali z "eksotičnimi" materiali, a v ta namen je mogoče prav tako uporabiti tudi silicij. Lasersko hlajenje in elektromagnetne pasti so vodile do revolucije v atomski fiziki in do odkritij od Bose-Einsteinove kondenzacije do kvantnega nadzora nad posameznimi atomi. Kot polprevodnik izjemne čistosti, ki je na voljo za dostopno ceno, lahko tudi silicij služi kot atomska past. Opisali bomo začetke znanosti o siliciju kot atomski pasti, kjer so ujeti atomi donorske nečistoče. Ključna orodja, s katerimi vizualiziramo in manipuliramo kvantna stanja nečistoč, sta laser na proste elektrone in vrstični tunelski mikroskop.
Predavanje bo v angleščini.
Lepo vabljeni!
We invite you to the 5th Institute colloquium in the academic year 2014/15. The colloquium will be held on Wednesday October 15, 2014 at 1 PM in the main Institute lecture hall, Jamova 39, Ljubljana. To read the abstract click http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev. Past colloquia are posted on http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs.
prof. dr. Gabriel Aeppli
Paul Scherrer Institute, Villingen, Switzerland
The next life of silicon
The 20th century has been distinguished by the silicon-based information revolution, where bits are encoded as charges which are manipulated and stored via field effect transistors. The continued exponential growth of information technology based on straightforward extrapolations of this paradigm is not guaranteed, and there has therefore been a search for both alternative paradigms and materials. The new paradigms entail exploitation of spin and orbital degrees of freedom, including related quantum phenomena. While “exotic” materials have been successfully used to demonstrate some of the associated physics, we show here that silicon may be an excellent host for the new effects. In particular, laser cooling and electromagnetic traps have led to a revolution in atomic physics, yielding dramatic discoveries ranging from Bose-Einstein condensation to quantum control of single atoms. Because it is a semiconductor of extraordinary cleanliness which can be acquired at reasonable cost, silicon can also be thought of as an atom trap. We describe here the beginnings of the science of silicon as atom trap, where the trapped atoms are the donor impurities. Key tools, enabling the visualization and manipulation of the impurity quantum states, are free electron lasers and scanning tunneling microscopes.
Cordially invited!
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