IJS KOLOKVIJ, sreda, 20. maj 2009, prof. dr. Paolo Nanni

Andreja Berglez andreja.berglez at ijs.si
Fri May 15 15:17:13 CEST 2009

Vabim vas na 17. predavanje iz sklopa "Kolokviji na IJS" v letu 2008/09, ki
bo v sredo, 20. maja 2009, ob 13:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici Instituta
>Jožef Stefan< na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Napovednik predavanja najdete
tudi na naslovu http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev, posnetke
preteklih predavanj pa na http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs. 


Prof. Paolo Nanni, 

Inst. Energetics & Interphases, C.N.R., via De Marini 6,I-16149 Genoa, Italy


Priprava perovskitnih oplaščenih nanodelcev z metodami sinteze v raztopini


Oplaščeni nanodelci ("core-shell") imajo fizikalne in kemijske lastnosti, ki
se razlikujejo od lastnosti jedrnih delcev in prevleke in s spreminjanjem
razmerja med prevleko in jedrom lahko dosežemo zelo specifične lastnosti
materiala. Med sintezo v raztopini prevleka raste na jedrnem delcu, ko
koncentracija reagenta preseže mejo nasičenja. V predavanju bodo
predstavljeni primeri sinteze nanodelcev perovskitnih oksidov (BaTiO3 in
CeO2) z gradientno strukturo in sinteze nanotrakov v raztopinah.
Predstavljeni bodo ključni parametri priprave oplaščenih nanodelcev,
mikrostrukture in funkcijske lastnosti materialov, pripravljenih iz takih



Predavanje bo v angleščini.

Lepo vabljeni!


We would like to invite you to 17th lecture of the "Kolokvij na IJS" in the
school year 2008/09. The lecture will be held on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at
1 pm at JSI main lecture hall, Jamova 39, Ljubljana. The abstract of the
lecture can be found on website:
http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev, the previous recorded lectures
can be found on website:  <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs>


Prof. Paolo Nanni, 

Inst. Energetics & Interphases, C.N.R., via De Marini 6,I-16149 Genoa, Italy


Preparation of core-shell perovskite structures with restricted geometries
by soft chemistry methods


The surface coating of nanoparticles with different materials to produce
core-shell structures allows modification and tailoring of physical and
chemical properties of core materials depending on synthesis conditions. The
composition of the core and shells can  thus be varied to give a wide range
of different properties. Furthermore, core-shell nanoparticles are expected
to have unique properties that are not originally present in either core or
shell materials, which makes this procedure an active area of research. The
surface layer can be grown directly on the core particles once the system is
supersaturated with respect to the coating material. This approach was
applied in case of a few types of functional oxides: 

(a) coating of commercial core particles of BaTiO3 and CeO2 with an
amorphous yttrium and dysprosium basic carbonate layer for obtaining doped
BaCeO3 as H.T. proton conductor for solid state ionic devices; 

(b) coating of BaTiO3 with SrTiO3; 

(c) coating of BaTiO3 with BaZrO3 to producing ceramics with local graded

(d) coating of nano-BaCO3 with an elongated crystallised Ti-acid suspension
in order to produce BaTiO3 nanoribbons. 

The experimental approach in controlling the coating process, the particular
resulted microstructures and the improvement of functional properties as
result of interface nanoscale coupling between the core-shell dissimilar
materials will be discussed.



We look forward to meeting you at the "Kolokvij na IJS"!


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