IJS KOLOKVIJ, 1. oktober 2008, prof. Jean-Marie Dubois

Andreja Berglez andreja.berglez at ijs.si
Thu Sep 25 15:38:05 CEST 2008

Vabim vas na 1. predavanje iz sklopa "Kolokviji na IJS" v letu 2008/09, ki
bo v sredo, 01. oktobra 2008, ob 13:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici Instituta
>Jožef Stefan< na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Napovednik predavanja najdete
tudi na naslovu http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev, posnetke
preteklih predavanj pa na http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs. 

prof. Jean-Marie DUBOIS

Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy, France


Kompleksne kovinske zlitine: osnove, lastnosti in prihodnost


V predavanju bodo predstavljeni nekateri primeri nenavadnega obnašanja
kompleksnih kovinskih zlitin. Podrobno bodo opisani tudi kvazikristali kot
primer struktur z izrazito zapleteno zgradbo. Poskušali bomo odgovoriti,
zakaj narava v nekaterih primerih izbere tako kompleksne strukture, medtem
ko ima večina kovin bistveno bolj enostavno zgradbo.

Nenavadne fizikalne lastnosti kompleksnih kovinskih zlitin, na primer
transportne lastnosti, elektronska struktura na površini, močenje ter
trenje, se močno razlikujejo od tistih, ki so značilne za običajne kovinske
materiale. Te lastnosti izhajajo iz njihove zelo zapletene zgradbe. 

Kompleksne kovinske zlitine nam pomagajo, da se znova vrnemo k starim
problemom fizike kovin in na tak način izboljšamo naše razumevanje osnovnih
lastnosti kondenzirane materije ter napovemo nekatere možne oblike njihove

Predavanje bo v angleščini.

Lepo vabljeni!



We would like to invite you to 1st lecture of the "Kolokvij na IJS" in the
school year 2008/09. The lecture will be held on Wednesday, October 1, 2008,
at 1 pm at JSI main lecture hall, Jamova 39, Ljubljana. The abstract of the
lecture can be found on website:
http://www.ijs.si/ijsw/Koledar_prireditev, the previous recorded lectures
can be found on website:  <http://videolectures.net/kolokviji_ijs>


Prof. Jean-Marie DUBOIS

Institut Jean Lamour, Nancy, France


Complex Metallic Alloys: Concept, Properties, and Perspective 


The conference will focus at a few examples of the atypical behavior of
complex metallic alloys, including quasicrystals as the ultimate state of
structural complexity in a crystal made of metals. The main issue in this
topic is to understand why Nature selects complex compounds, whereas most
constituent metals embody simple versions of the densest possible packing of
hard spheres. 


In turn, complexity entails atypical physical properties that significantly
depart from the ones known for simple metals and their alloys. Examples are
transport properties, surface electronic structure, surface energy, wetting
and friction. 


The view of the author is that complex metallic alloys help us revisit
ancient, and probably also well-established problems in metal physics, thus
improving our understanding of the basic properties of condensed matter,
while in parallel potential applications may be sorted out. Examples will be



We look forward to meeting you at the "Kolokvij na IJS"!

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