NAPOVEDNIK: IJS KOLOKVIJ, 28.3.2008, dr. Joao da Silva
Marta Vidrih
Marta.Vidrih at
Thu Mar 27 13:20:38 CET 2008
Vabim vas na 17. predavanje iz sklopa "Kolokviji na IJS" v letu 2007/08, v okviru Stefanovih dnevov, ki bo v petek, 28. marca 2008, ob 13:00 uri v Veliki predavalnici Instituta >Jožef Stefan< na Jamovi cesti 39 v Ljubljani. Napovednik predavanja najdete tudi na naslovu, posnetke preteklih predavanj pa na
Dr. Joao da Silva
Directorate Converged Networks and Services,
DG-INFSO European Commission
Prihodnost Interneta, pričakovanja in videnja raziskovalno-razvojnih programov Evrope
Internetni svet, kot ga poznamo danes, se je vse od njegovega pojava hitro širil in spreminjal. Postal je ključna komunikacijska infrastruktura in opora gospodarski in družbeni blaginji. Z več kot milijardo uporabnikov danes Internet zagotavlja povezljivost v vsakem trenutku in skoraj povsod po svetu. Z nadaljnjim razvojem brezžičnih tehnologij se bo pričakovano število uporabnikov - povezanih oseb in naprav v Internetu - v nekaj letih približalo 4 milijardam. Širjenje Interneta in nudenje storitev rastoči populaciji uporabnikov, senzorjem, aktuatorjem in inteligentnim napravam v bodočnosti predvsem prinaša razvoj novih inovativnih storitev za katere pa se pričakuje, da bodo pomembno prispevale k razvoju inovacij v podporo okolju, kreativnosti in gospodarski rasti. Tak razvoj je zaznala in pozitivno podprla Evropska Unija v svojih strateških dokumentih, ki govorijo o evropskih prizadevanj in strategijah glede tehnološkega razvoja in bodočega Interneta.
V predavanju bodo predstavljeni pristopi evropskih raziskovalno-razvojnih programov ter novi vsebinski programi na tehnoloških in političnih področjih, ki podpirajo razvoj omrežne infrastrukture v prihodnosti.
Predavanje bo v angleščini.
Directorate Converged Networks and Services
Lepo vabljeni!
We would like to invite you to 17th lecture of the "Kolokvij na IJS" ("Days of Jožef Stefan") in the school year 2007/08. The lecture will be held on Friday, Mar 28 2008, at 1 pm at JSI main lecture hall, Jamova 39, Ljubljana. The abstract of the lecture can be found on website:, the previous recorded lectures can be found on website:
Dr. Joao da Silva
Directorate Converged Networks and Services,
DG-INFSO European Commission
The Future of the Internet, Perspectives emerging from R&D in Europe
The Internet world as we know it today has undergone far-reaching changes since its early days while becoming a critical communications infrastructure underpinning our economic performance and social welfare. With more than 1 billion fixed users world-wide today the Internet is poised to become a fully pervasive infrastructure providing anywhere, anytime connectivity. With the further deployment of wireless technologies, the number of users of the Internet is expected to jump to some 4 billion in a matter of few years. As the Internet extends its reach and serves an ever growing population of users, sensors and actuators and intelligent devices, new innovative services will be introduced, that contribute in turn to further developing an environment supporting innovation, creativity and economic growth. Such development has been positively acknowledged by the European Union in several documents that are emphasizing the European effort and strategy regarding the development of the "Future Internet".
The lecture will address the EU approach and the R&D agenda in the technological and associated policy domains that have a bearing on the network and service infrastructure elements of the Internet of tomorrow.
The lecture will be given in English.
Directorate Converged Networks and Services
We look forward to meeting you at the "Kolokvij na IJS"!
Marta Vidrih, univ.dipl.ekon.
F5 - Odsek za fiziko trdnih snovi
Institut "Jožef Stefan", Jamova 39, Ljubljana
tel: 01 477 39 02
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