[kolokvij-ijs] Fw: prof. dr. Angus I. Kingon - torek, 20.12.2005, ob 13h

Eva Tozon eva.tozon at ijs.si
Mon Dec 19 08:59:19 CET 2005

Kolokvij na IJS

Prof. dr. Angus I. Kingon

North Carolina State University
Raleigh, ZDA

Iskanje poslovnih priložnosti v znanosti in tehnologiji - čigava 

This presentation addresses the issue of the creation of value from 
investment in science and technology. It discusses the gap that exists 
between the knowledge-generation activities of scientific research, and the 
activities that apply that knowledge for the development of new products and 
services. The issue is addressed in the context of increasing global 
competition between companies and economic regions, and a resultant strong 
drive to bring new products to market efficiently. The talk will look at two 
perspectives. Firstly, that of the scientist and technologist, which is 
impacted by his/her view of business and company capabilities.
This business view is often limited, and sets unrealistic expectations 
regarding commercialization. Secondly we discuss the perspectives, motives 
and methods of business as they attempt to create tangible value from new 
scientific and technical knowledge. The presentation will provide examples 
of  what is currently being done to bridge this gap between science and 
commercialization. These examples include company activities, regional and 
national economic initiatives, and initiatives within research institutions. 
The discussion will also include a critique of the how business education is 
slowly responding to the fast-changing business climate.

Predavanje bo v angleščini. Lepo vabljeni!

v torek, 20. decembra 2005 ob 13. uri
v Veliki predavalnici Instituta "Jožef Stefan"
Institut "Jožef Stefan", Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, http://www.ijs.si 

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