[kolokvij-ijs] predavanje danes ob 13h v Predavalnici na Podiplomski soli Instituta Jozef Stefan

Tamara Matevc tamara.matevc at ijs.si
Thu Aug 26 10:29:51 CEST 2004

Vabilo na predavanje:

Ultrafast Superconducting
Single-Photon Optical Detectors and Their Applications
Prof. Dr. Roman Sobolewski
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
and Laboratory for Laser Energetics
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, USA

We present novel quantum devices for GHz-rate counting of both visible and
infrared single photons. Our superconducting single-photon detectors (SSPDs)
form 4-nm-thick and ~100-nm-wide NbN meanders and cover the 10x10
micrometer2 area. The detection mechanism is based on photon-induced
resistive hotspot formation and, subsequent, appearance of a transient
voltage pulse across a nanostructured superconducting stripe. Our devices
significantly outperform their semiconductor counterparts, with quantum
efficiency ~10% for 1.3-micrometer photons, 2-GHz photon counting rate,
timing jitter of 18 ps, and dark counts <0.1 per second. The best-measured
value of the noise-equivalent power (NEP) was 3 10-22 W/Hz1/2
at 1.3 micrometer. The SSPDs have been already adopted for
testers for debugging of VLSI CMOS circuits and are currently being
implemented for free-space communications and quantum key distribution
(cryptography) systems. Details of those applications will be discussed.

Predavanje bo danes, v cetrtek, dne 26. avgusta 2004, ob 13:15 v predavalnici
Podiplomske sole Jozefa Stefana (N 205).
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