[kolokvij-ijs] predavanje danes, 9.10.2003 ob 13.15

Eva Tozon eva.tozon at ijs.si
Thu Oct 9 09:43:29 CEST 2003

kolokvij na IJS

prof. dr. Lutz Heuser
Vice President and Chief Development Architect

SAP Corporate Research, www.sap.com/research, SAP GA, Walldorf, Nemčija

'Global IT-Trends'

- How they impact our today's and tomorrow's life of individuals,
enterprises, government and the global economy
- Impact on today's educational concepts and what is needed in the future
- Which technology trends and research-driven innovation are conducted at
SAP worldwide e.g. RFID tags (Radio Frequency Identifier), ad hoc sensors,
smart vending initiative

Predavanje bo v angleščini. Vabljeni!

v četrtek, 9. oktobra 2003 ob 13.15 uri
Institut "Jožef Stefan", Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, http://www.ijs.si

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