[Informacijska-druzba] IS 2007 is here

Mitja Lustrek mitja.lustrek at ijs.si
Fri Oct 5 11:17:14 CEST 2007

Dear colleagues,
Information Society 2007 multiconference will take place from 8th to 12th
October at Jozef Stefan Institute: http://is.ijs.si.
You are kindly invited to attend all sessions (entrance is free):
http://is.ijs.si/razporedKonferenc.html. We will be particularly pleased to
see you on Tuesday, 11th October, at the opening ceremony with a cocktail
party: http://is.ijs.si/Otvoritev_Program.html.
The multiconference is among the largest from the area of information
society in this part of Europe. This is its tenth year. The papers are
published in three proceedings and two journals. This year we have around
160 of them.
Mitja Lustrek
Matjaz Gams
Organizing committee
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