[CLASSLA] JTDH 2024: Second Call for Papers

Taja Kuzman taja.kuzman at ijs.si
Mon May 6 15:33:15 CEST 2024

Dear all,

You are kindly invited to submit a paper to the Slovenian Language 
Technologies and Digital Humanities Conference (JTDH 2024), which will 
take place on September 19 and 20, 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia: 
https://www.sdjt.si/wp/jtdh-2024-en <https://www.sdjt.si/wp/jtdh-2024-en/>.

We welcome extended abstracts and full papers on topics that include but 
are not limited to:

- speech and other mono- and multilingual language technologies;

- digital linguistics: translation studies, corpus linguistics, 
lexicology and lexicography, standardisation;

- digital humanities and historical studies, ethnology, musicology, 
cultural heritage, archaeology, and fine arts;

- digital humanities in education and digital publishing.

The official languages of the conference are Slovene and English.

We are happy to announce the keynotes Simon Dobnik and Barbara 
McGillivray, a round table Frontiers in Speech Communication Research, 
and two pre-conference events:


    The final stop of CLASSLA Express – a series of workshops on
    investigating South Slavic corpora using CLARIN.SI
    <http://CLARIN.SI> concordancers.


    A joint business meeting of the CLASSLA Knowledge Centre for South
    Slavic Languages and the ReLDI Centre Belgrade.

Important dates:

May 17, 2024: Deadline for abstract/paper submission

July 5, 2024: Notification of acceptance

August 23, 2024: Final abstract/paper submission

August 23, 2024: Registration deadline

September 18, 2024: Pre-conference events and workshops

September 19 & 20, 2024: JTDH 2024 Conference

More information: https://www.sdjt.si/wp/jtdh-2024-en 

Best regards,



Research Assistant

Department of Knowledge Technologies | Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia

CLASSLA Knowledge Centre for South Slavic languages | CLARIN.SI

twitter <https://twitter.com/TajaKuzman> 	
	linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/taja-kuzman/> 	

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