[Agor] Mednarodno branje Ovidijevih Metamorfoz

Jelena Isak Kres jelena.isak.kres at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 09:41:40 CET 2018

Pozdravljeni vsi,

pripenjam obvestilo o mednarodnem javnem branju Ovidijevih Metamorfoz, ki
se bo začelo 23. marca 2018.

Lep pozdrav,

Jelena Isak Kres

OVID METAMORPHOSES 10: Public Reading with Kithara Accompaniment

On Friday 23rd March, in Magdalen College Chapel, students and faculty will
read their translations of the *Metamorphoses*. In doing so they will join
their voices to hundreds more across the world, participants in a worldwide
celebration <http://festival-latingrec.eu/> of Ovid’s poetry.

They will be accompanied by Michael Levy
<http://www.ancientlyre.com/biography/> on a *kithara -* an ancient lyre
traditionally used for performances of classical poetry. Michael’s
compositions for ancient instruments have been featured on BBC radio and at
the British Museum; his YouTube demonstrations and tutorials have
introduced Greek music to thousands.

The event, simultaneous with similar events around the world, will
begin at *9am
on Friday 23rd March*, and finish around 10.15. It will be free to all.

For more information, please contact xavier.buxton at classics.ox.ac.uk.
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