[Agor] Podiplomska štipendija - Rim

David Movrin david_movrin at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 18 12:06:50 CET 2011


fundacija Lemmermann tudi letos ponuja štipendijo za bivanje v Rimu - rok za prijavo je 15. marec, podrobnosti so na strani


"The Lemmermann Foundation offers scholarships in the classical studies and
humanities to masters and doctoral students. Fields of study include Archaeology,
History, History of Art, Italian, Latin, Musicology, Philosophy, and Philology.
Applicants must provide evidence for their need to study and carry out research in
Rome. Topic of research must be related to Rome or the Roman culture from the
Pre- Roman period to the present day."

Veliko uspeha,

David Movrin
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