[Agor] Evropski razpis
David Movrin
david_movrin at hotmail.com
Fri May 5 15:44:53 CEST 2006
naletel sem na razpis, s katerim namerava EU v naslednjih letih financirati
mlade raziskovalne skupine, prilagam ga spodaj. Po svoje je precej zahteven,
ampak pri nas se je prav v tej starostni skupini v zadnjih letih nabralo
dovolj ljudi, da se mogoce komu utrne kaksna dobra ideja; audaces fortuna
David Movrin
Dear All,
The Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC) has set the
guidelines for the future 'ERC Starting Independent Research Grants' for
Young Scientists.
These grants are designed to support researchers at the stage at which they
are starting their independent research or establishing their first research
team. Applicants should be less than 10 years from the award of their PhD.
The grant is open to investigators who are working (or intend to work) in
any part of the EU and associated countries.
'Starting Independent Research Grants' could consist of a grant between
100,000 and 400,000 per year over a period of 5 years.
The first call should be published either at the end of 2006 or the
beginning of 2007 and will have an indicative budget of roughly 300 Mio. .
It can be expected that about 200 research teams could be funded in the
first call. Submission of proposals should follow a 2-step-procedure.
Evaluation criteria will be a blend of:
- the potential of the people and their track record, i.e. research
excellence at PhD-level and subsequently, achievements, publication list,
- excellence of the project, i.e. scientific value, innovativeness and
feasibility of the objectives, methodology proposed, etc.
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