[Agor] [... Digital Classicist]

Matija Ogrin matija.ogrin at zrc-sazu.si
Thu Sep 22 09:35:31 CEST 2005

Dragi kolegi, morda bo koga med vami zanimala spodnja noticka. Pozdrav,
Matija Ogrin

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [dm-l] Digital Classicist
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2005 17:40:43 +0100
From: Gabriel BODARD <gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk>
Reply-To: Digital Medievalist Community mailing list <dm-l at uleth.ca>
To: dm-l at uleth.ca

(English below)

Dieser Aufruf zur Beteiligung kann man auch bei der Url
http://digitalclassicist.org/cfp/de-index.html auf deutsch lesen  |  Cet 
appel à participation se trouve aussi en français à l'url
http://digitalclassicist.org/cfp/fr-index.html  |  Questa richiesta di
partecipazione e' disponibile anche in Italiano all'indirizzo
http://digitalclassicist.org/cfp/it-index.html  |  versión español

We should like to announce the creation of a new project and community, 
hosted by the Centre for Computing in the Humanities (KCL), applying 
humanities computing to the study of the ancient world. The Digital 
Classicist has a pilot web site at http://www.digitalclassicist.org, 
which, as well as serving as a placeholder for further content, sets out 
our aims and objectives in a preliminary manner. As you will see, key 
sections of the website and summaries of articles will, where possible, 
be translated into the major languages of European scholarship: e.g. 
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish etc. The project also 
comprises a discussion list, a Wiki, and a Blog.

The project, which is committed to being ongoing and available in the 
long term, fills a gap in the current academic environment: there are 
countless important digital research projects in the classics, including 
many that offer advice and share tools; there are sites that discuss, 
host, or list such resources (the Stoa, the Center for Hellenic Studies 
in Washington, Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents in Oxford, 
EAGLE in Rome, to name but a few); but there is no single platform for 
scholars and interested experts in the international and polyglot 
community to discuss problems, share experiences, post news and
advice, and go to for help on all matters digital and classical. We 
shall of course work closely with other organisations and projects that 
are active in these areas (in particular the Stoa, and other subject 
communities such as the Digital Medievalist, including specialists in 
archaeological, historical, and geographical technologies), to avoid 
excessive overlap and maximise co-operation and collaboration.

At this point we especially need members of the international scholarly
community to contribute to the project. If you feel you could get 
involved in an editorial capacity, or you could recommend somebody else 
to do so, please do get in touch. There is no obligation that editors 
give up many hours of their time, of course--editorial roles are 
discussed in a posting at http://tinyurl.com/cpdsu . In addition we 
should be very grateful if you could suggest other people--especially 
those in non-Anglophone Europe--who might be interested in participating 
in this project in any way.
And in any case, please spread the word, join the mailing list and get 
involved in the discussions as we establish this new project and community.

Best regards,

The Editors
Gabriel BODARD
Inscriptions of Aphrodisias
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London
Kay House
7, Arundel Street
London WC2R 3DX

Email: gabriel.bodard at kcl.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)20 78 48 13 88
Fax: +44 (0)20 78 48 29 80

Digital Medievalist Project
Homepage: http://www.digitalmedievalist.org
Journal (Spring 2005-): http://www.digitalmedievalist.org/journal.cfm
RSS (announcements) server: http://www.digitalmedievalist.org/rss/rss2.cfm
Wiki: http://sql.uleth.ca/dmorgwiki/index.php
Change membership options: http://listserv.uleth.ca/mailman/listinfo/dm-l
Submit RSS announcement: http://www.digitalmedievalist.org/newitem.cfm
Contact editorial Board: digitalmedievalist at uleth.ca
dm-l mailing list
dm-l at uleth.ca

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