[Agor] Anketa

Matjaz Babic matjaz.babic3 at guest.arnes.si
Sat Nov 22 17:42:32 CET 2003

Polytimetoi agoromenoi, 

Prosim vas za pomoè v imenu g. Douglasa Browna, ki v  
okviru podiplomskega študija (smer Medkulturna  
komunikacija) na Univerzi Newcastle piše nalogo z  
naslovom "How are core cultural values and beliefs  
manifested in communicative behaviours of the 
individual  in Slovenia?" Jedro naloge bo obdelava 
odgovorov na  kratek vprašalnik, ki ga je razposlal 
na veè naslovov  pri nas. Lepo prosi, èe bi lahko 
nanj odgovorilo èimveè  Slovencev, da bodo izidi 

Tiste, ki se boste vabilu odzvali, prosi, da spodnji  
vprašalnik z vpisanimi odgovori (navodila so 
priložena -  èe imate z zadnjima dvema vprašanjema 
težave, ju  izpustite) pošljete na naslov  
douglas.brown at ncl.ac.uk 

Lep pozdrav, 

Matjaz Babic 

Sledi torej vprašalnik: 


Home Country: 

	Please answer each question with a number.  The 
key  to the numbers are as 

1 = Strongly Agree 
2 = Agree 
3 = Unsure 
4 = Disagree 
5 = Strongly Disagree 


1.	Seniors and leaders should always be treated 
with  deference so as to maintain a principle of 

2.	Seniors and leaders should always be addressed 
by a  formal title: 

3.	It is important to have freedom to adapt your 
own  approach to a job: 

4.	A person should help his/her boss to paint 
their  house: 

5.	I socialise with my professional superiors when 
I  am outside of the workplace: 

6.	I socialise with those below me in my 
profession  when I am outside of the workplace: 

7.	I will always address people I meet by their 
first  name once I know what it is: 

8.	When I do not understand the person talking to 
me I  will always tell them: 

9.	When a person is upset at work, they should 
express  their feelings openly: 

10.	If I am angry with who I am talking to I will 
tell  them: 

11.	Negotiations in business should be conducted as  
quickly as possible: 

12.	Establishing rapport is considered an important  
first step for business: 

13.	Time schedule should seldom be changed and the  
initial plan is preferred: 

14.	I will introduce an idea or conclusion into the  
conversation before 
explaining it: 

15.	I will explain or introduce an idea into  
conversation before a conclusion: 

16.	It is always important that conversation is 
more  informative than friendly: 

17.	In business it is important to move slowly and  
think about things before making conclusions: 

18.	People should look after their own interests 
ahead  of their immediate group: 

19.	I do not like it when non-Slovenes try and 
speak  our language: 

And finally; 

20. Please could you give a brief description of any  
problems you come across when Speaking (in English) 
to any native English  speakers.  What do you think 
of them from your experience of communicating  with 
them?  Be honest! : 
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