[ACM-Slovenija] Povabilo k sodelovanju na IS03-TCS

Andrej.Brodnik at IMFM.Uni-Lj.SI Andrej.Brodnik at IMFM.Uni-Lj.SI
Fri Apr 11 11:51:27 CEST 2003


Opravicujem se, ce  boste to posto prejeli veckrat, toda  rad bi vas v
imeno   programskega  odbora  povabili,   da  posljete   prispevek  za
konferenco   ,,Information   Society    2003``,   oziroma   za   njeno
pod-konferenco    ,,Theoretical    Computer   Science``    (Teoreticno

Prosimo, da  povabilo posredujete  svojim kolegom in  tudi podiplomski

V naprej hvala za sodelovanje in se vidimo oktobra v Ljubljani!

Andrej Brodnik


	     I N F O R M A T I O N   S O C I E T Y   2003

                                Sponsored by

			    ACM Slovenija
			Slovenian ACM Chapter

Subconference on



	Cankarjev Dom - Conference Centre, Ljubljana, SLOVENIA

			   October 16, 2003

[The conference will take place on this day during the multiconference
INFORMATION SOCIETY  2003 (Oct.  13-17, 2003). There  is a  very small
possibility of  a date change to  another date in  this time interval,
therefore, the status of the date is "almost certain".]

Theoretical  Computer  Science   represents  the  underpinning  of  IT
technology.   Much  of   IT's  infrastructure,   compiler  technology,
operating systems, cryptography (to  name a few), would be unthinkable
or stunted, but for the corresponding fundamental results in this area
of research. The purpose of this conference is to present some aspects
of the  present state of the  field. Invited are  contributions in the
following (or allied) fields:

   * Algorithms and Complexity
   * Formal Languages and Automata
   * Theory of Programming Languages
   * Discrete Mathematics
   * Symbolic Computation
   * Etc.

Invited Speaker

     Roberto Grossi,
     Universita di Pisa,
     Dipartimento di Informatica

The Program Committee

     Bostjan Vilfan, University of Ljubljana, Chairman
     Andrej Brodnik, University of Ljubljana
     Marjan Mernik, University of Maribor
     Marko Petkovsek, University of Ljubljana
     Tomaz Pisanski, University of Ljubljana
     Borut Robic, University of Ljubljana
     Janez Zerovnik, University of Maribor

General Information on IS03-TCS

     Prof. Bostjan Vilfan
     University of Ljubljana
     Faculty of Computer and Information Science
     Trzaska 25
     SI-1000 Ljubljana
     E-mail: Bostjan.Vilfan at fri.uni-lj.si
     Tel.    +386-1-476-8391
     Fax.    +386-1-426-4647

Paper Submission and Author's Kit

Authors  are invited to  submit a  two-page abstract  by May  1, 2003.
Authors of accepted  papers will have to submit  their complete, final
manuscripts by September 15, 2003. Accepted papers will be included in
the  Conference  Proceedings.  Complete  instructions  for  formatting
papers in MS  Word as well as  LaTeX are to be found  in the following

 Author's Kit:
   - in zip:      [http://www.brodnik.org/andy/sitcos/sitcos.zip]
   - GNU tar gz:  [http://www.brodnik.org/andy/sitcos/sitcos.tar.gz]
   - and unpacked files format:

Electronic  submission through  e-mail is  required. Papers  should be
sent to:
		     bostjan.vilfan at fri-uni-lj.si

Evaluation Process

Papers  will be  evaluated for  originality, significance,  clarity, &
soundness.  Each paper  will be  refereed  by two  researchers in  the
topical area.

Journal Publication

The  Program Committee  has  reached a  tentative  agreement with  the
editors of  the journal  Informatica to devote  a special issue  (or a
part thereof)  to publishing selected papers from  IS03-TCS provided a
certain quality level is achieved.

Important Dates

     Abstract submission deadline: May 1, 2003
     Notifications to authors: June 15, 2003
     Camera ready submission deadline: September 15, 2003

Conference venue and other details

The Conference will take place  in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia.
Ljubljana  is  a  lovely  city  in  the heart  of  Europe,  with  many
possibilities  for  cultural  and  sightseeing  activities.  Within  a
driving distance of two hours, you  can reach the Alpine region or the
Mediterranean coast,  not to mention  lots of treasures of  Slovenia -
all within the same distance. For more information please see the URLs



Ljubljana has good flight connections on a daily basis with London and
Frankfurt. For more information please visit


You are advised to book your accommodation in advance.

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